Data source variables

Data sources are database, XML and other tabular data that drive multiple outputs from a single script file.  The data source is identified on the PDFImprint command line.  PDFImprint uses the data sources in a manner similar to Microsoft Word Mail-Merge. 

The data source specification creates a single run-time table.  The column names of the table are used as variable names and are referenced as ${data.ColumnName}

NOTE: Only one data source and can be defined, since only one table can exist at runtime


Command line contains  -d"c:\Customer.mdb" with database table having CustomerId and CustomerName columns.


For each row produce a separately named PDF document whose file name is based on CustomerId

output ${CustomerId}.pdf

  input “CoverPage.pdf”

    barcode ${CustomerId}${CustomerName}


Produce multipage PDF document combining all the barcoded pages.  One page per data source row.

output “Output.pdf”

  input “CoverPage.pdf”

    barcode ${CustomerId}${CustomerName}

Command line contains  -d"inc:RunID:1000:10" -v"DocId=12345"  creates a data source table with single column RunId and 10 rows.

This example produces 10 PDF documents, each whose file name includes the RunId    

output ${DocId}_${RunId?0000}.pdf

  input "Document.pdf"

    barcode ${DocId}${RunId?0000}${page}