ClearImage .NET API
Inlite.ClearImageNet Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
Higher level barcode recognition and image processing API. 
ClassBarcode information object
ClassEvent arguments of  BarcodeReader.BarcodeFoundEvent
ClassReads barcode from image files, Bitmap object, Stream objects, base64-encoded images.
ClassException that is thrown by ClearImage API methods
ClassEvent arguments of  ImageEditor.EditPageEvent
ClassModifies and analyzes Bitmap image
ClassHolds information about image and page in the image
ClassOpens, saves, gets information from file-based images
ClassHolds information about image line
ClassHolds information about image object
ClassEvent arguments of  BarcodeReader.ImageOpenedEvent
ClassEvent arguments of  ImageEditor.LineFoundEvent
ClassEvent arguments of  ImageEditor.ObjectFoundEvent
ClassProvides information about ClearImage Server
EnumerationIdentifies barcode's direction of rotation in respect to an image
EnumerationIdentifies barcode's type (symbology)
EnumerationSets actions for ImageEditor.BorderExtract method
EnumerationSets flags for extended CleanNoise
EnumerationIdentifies compression of saved bi-tonal (BW)images inside fo TIFF or PDF
EnumerationIdentifies compression of saved color and grayscale images inside fo TIFF or PDF
EnumerationIdentifies image file format returned
EnumerationSets criteria for line identification and/or processing
EnumerationSets directions of lines for line identification and/or processing
EnumerationSets directions for ImageEditor.Fatten and ImageEditor.Trim methods
EnumerationIdentifies compression of the page in the image file
EnumerationIdentifies page rotation based on text or graphics
EnumerationPdf Rasterization color selection
EnumerationPdf page reading mode selection
See Also


ClearImage .NET API