ClearImage COM API
AutoDeskew Method
CiRepair Object : AutoDeskew Method
Automatically deskew the image
Visual Basic
Public Function AutoDeskew() As Double
Return Type
The returned value is in the range from -45 degrees to 45 degrees.   If the value is negative, then the image was skewed counterclockwise.
Deskews image to the nearest vertical or horizontal axis, on object.Image content.   If object.Image.IsZone is true then object.Image.Parent is deskewed based on data within object.Image.Zone rectangle.
Sub RepairMethods(imageFile As String, imageFileOut As String)
    ' Create objects and open input images
  Dim Ci As New CiServer
  Dim Repair As CiRepair: Set Repair = Ci.CreateRepair
  Repair.Image.Open imageFile
    ' Do Processing
  Repair.AutoDeskew                  ' Use AutoDeskew before AutoRotate
  '  Repair.AutoCrop 10, 10, 10, 10  ' Do not use AutoCrop with AutoRegister or BorderExtract
  '  Repair.AutoRegister 100, 100    ' Do not use AutoRegister with AutoCrop or BorderExtract
  Repair.AdvancedBinarize 0, 0, 0
  Repair.BorderExtract ciBexBorderDeskewCrop, ciBeaCleaner
  Repair.SmoothCharacters ciSmoothDarkenEdges
  Repair.CleanNoise 3                ' Use CleanNoiseExt to remove white noise
  '  Repair.CleanNoiseExt (ciCnxBlackNoise + ciCnxWhiteNoise), 3, 3, 10, 0
  Repair.pLineCurvature = ciCurvLow
  Repair.pMaxLineAngle = 5
  Repair.pMaxLineGap = 5
  Repair.pMinLineLength = 200
  Repair.DeleteLines ciLineVertAndHorz, ciTrue
  Repair.Image.SaveAs imageFileOut, ciEXT
End Sub
See Also

CiRepair Object  | CiRepair Members  | AutoDeskew  | AutoRotate  | Skew Method