Uses of Class

Uses of EBoolean in ClearImageJNI

Fields in ClearImageJNI declared as EBoolean
static EBoolean EBoolean.ciFalse
          Value is false (0)
static EBoolean EBoolean.ciTrue
          Value is true (-1)

Methods in ClearImageJNI that return EBoolean
static EBoolean EBoolean.fromInt(int __n)
          Returns an enumerated value corresponding to a given integer.
 EBoolean ICiBarcodePro.getAutoDetect1D()
          Automatically recognize 1-D barcode type.
 EBoolean ICiBarcodeBasic.getAutoDetect1D()
          Automatically recognize barcode type.
 EBoolean ICiBarcode.getIsBinary()
          Barcode contains binary data.
 EBoolean ICiBarcode.getIsChecksumVerified()
          Barcode contains verified checksum.
 EBoolean ICiRect.getIsEmpty()
          Is rectangle has no area.
 EBoolean ICiImage.getIsModified()
          Image was modified flag.
 EBoolean ICiImage.getIsValid()
          Image is opened.
 EBoolean ICiImage.getIsZone()
          Object represents a zone on another image.
 EBoolean ICiBarcodePro.getValidateOptChecksum()
          Enable validation of optional checksum.
 EBoolean ICiBarcodeBasic.getValidateOptChecksum()
          Enable validation of optional checksum.
 EBoolean ICiRepair.IsBlankImage(int reserved0, double reserved1, double reserved2)
          Is image blank.

Methods in ClearImageJNI with parameters of type EBoolean
 void ICiRepair.DeleteLines(ELineDirection Direction, EBoolean bRepair)
          Delete lines and reconnect intersected objects.
 void ICiBarcodePro.setAutoDetect1D(EBoolean arg)
          Automatically recognize 1-D barcode type.
 void ICiBarcodeBasic.setAutoDetect1D(EBoolean arg)
          Automatically recognize barcode type.
 void ICiBarcode.setIsBinary(EBoolean arg)
          Barcode contains binary data.
 void ICiBarcode.setIsChecksumVerified(EBoolean arg)
          Barcode contains verified checksum.
 void ICiBarcodePro.setValidateOptChecksum(EBoolean arg)
          Enable validation of optional checksum.
 void ICiBarcodeBasic.setValidateOptChecksum(EBoolean arg)
          Enable validation of optional checksum.