ClearImage COM API
MeasureVertHistogram Method
CiTools Object : MeasureVertHistogram Method
Measure vertical histogram
Visual Basic
Public Function MeasureVertHistogram() As Variant
Return Type
An array of integers with the number of pixels in each row.
Method requires bi-tonal image (object.Image.BitsPerPixel = 1).
Measure Vertical and Horizontal Histograms
Sub MeasureHistogram(imageFile As String)
      ' Open image file
  Dim Ci As New CiServer
  Dim Tools As CiTools: Set Tools = Ci.CreateTools
  Tools.Image.Open imageFile
      ' Do processing
  Dim Hist, i, start
  Hist = Tools.MeasureHorzHistogram
  For i = LBound(Hist) To UBound(Hist)
    start = 0:  If (Tools.Image.IsZone) Then start = Tools.Image.Zone.Top
    Debug.Print "Row=" & start + i & " Pixels=" & Hist(i) & vbCrLf
  Hist = Tools.MeasureVertHistogram
  For i = LBound(Hist) To UBound(Hist)
    start = 0:  If (Tools.Image.IsZone) Then start = Tools.Image.Zone.Left
    Debug.Print "Col=" & start + i & " Pixels=" & Hist(i) & vbCrLf
End Sub
See Also

CiTools Object  | CiTools Members  | MeasureVertHistogram  | MeasureHorzHistogram